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- Sprite Library 128
- By Bruce Jaeger
- Sprite Library 128 (SL 128) is a powerful utility program for the
- C-128 that enables you to build and save a "library" of sprites and to add,
- delete, manipulate and save sprites in many ways. In addition to the program,
- this disk includes a starter library of sprites I designed, as well as some
- from public domain sources.
- I suggest that you copy the program to an empty formatted disk, so that
- it and all your sprite files can be in one place. To use SL 128, make sure
- your computer is in 40-column mode, then type RUN. The screen will blank
- briefly as the program goes into Fast mode to poke in the two machine language
- routines, and then you'll be asked for the name of a library file to load.
- Press the return key to use the default library, SPR/LIB. You can also press
- F3 to view the directory of the current disk. When you're first using SL 128,
- you won't have a library to load yet, but press the return key anyway. The
- program will tell you that "SPR/LIB is not on disk," and ask if you're starting
- a new library. Press Y and you'll proceed to the main menu.
- The Main Menu
- The main menu screen shows the name of the library you're working with
- and the number of sprites in that library, followed by a list of commands:
- A Add sprites from a disk
- V View/select sprites from the library
- S Use SPRDEF to add to the library
- D Save selected sprites to disk
- U Unselect all sprites
- Q Quit
- Pressing A lets you add sprites to the current library from
- previously-created disk files. (See "Tips on Adding Sprites," below.) The
- sprites are added to the end of the library currently in memory.
- S sends you to SPRDEF, the C-128's built-in sprite editing program. You
- can then create sprites to add to the library and even edit sprites already
- there. You needn't create all eight sprites the C-128 can handle; when you
- leave SPRDEF (by pressing the return key), you'll automatically return to SL
- 128, which will ask which of the new sprites you want to keep.
- U "unselects" sprites that you've marked for saving or elimination. (More
- on that later.)
- Q quits SL 128. If you've added to or modified the library, the library
- file will be updated before the program stops. (Any time you're using the
- default SPR/LIB, the program saves the newer version as SPR/LIB and renames the
- previous version, still on disk, as BACKUP SPR/LIB.)
- V lets you view the sprites in the library and manipulate them in several
- ways. SL 128 displays 50 sprites (a page) on the screen at once. After you
- press V, a message appears telling you how many sprites are in the library and
- asking where you'd like the block of 50 to start. If there are less than 50 in
- the library, this message is skipped and the display starts at number 1. Either
- way, when the sprites are displayed on the screen, each has a number in reverse
- field beneath it. Also, another list of SL 128 commands appears at the bottom
- of the screen. These, not necessarily in order, are:
- P Previous page
- N Next page
- R Range
- S Select/unselect sprites
- K Kill/unkill sprites
- X Exchange sprites
- B Buffer sprites
- Return to menu
- Press P to display the 50 sprites on the previous page. If you're looking
- at the first page in the library, the command "wraps around" backwards and
- displays the last page.
- Press N to display the next page. If you're looking at the last page in
- the library, the display wraps around to show you the first page.
- R returns you to the message telling how many sprites there are in the
- library and asking where you'd like the display to begin. Note that you don't
- have to pick even multiples of 50; you can start with sprite number 12, or
- whatever.
- S lets you select or unselect a sprite or range of sprites to save on disk
- later. After you press S, you'll be asked for the sprite number, meaning the
- number beneath the sprite displayed. To choose a range of sprites, when the
- program asks for sprite number, type the number of the first one you want, a
- dash and the number of the last one you want. For example, to select sprites 5
- through 12, type 5-12. When you choose a sprite, its color changes from gray to
- yellow to remind you that it's been selected. Choose it again, and it will be
- unselected and the color will revert to gray.
- Press K to kill (eliminate) a sprite or range of sprites from the library.
- Killed sprites turn red to remind you that they'll be eliminated when the
- library is resaved to disk. If you change your mind, press K and the sprite
- number again.
- Remember the Unselect command in the main menu? It's a handy way to
- unselect and unkill sprites should you get your selections confused, It lets
- you start over again, with everything unselected.
- Press X to exchange the positions of two sprites in the library. You'll
- be asked for two sprite numbers, neither of which has to be on display at the
- time. These two sprites will then swap positions. This command is useful for
- moving sprites around inside a fairly small group; for moving a lot of sprites
- around, the Buffer command is easier.
- Press B to place up to 50 sprites in the buffer for moving to another spot
- in the library. Here again, you can enter either one sprite number or a range.
- This command is handy for placing related sprites together.
- After you've placed sprites in the buffer, the program asks where you want
- to move them. If you happen to know the number of the sprite following which
- you want to insert the buffered sprites, enter that number. Otherwise, press
- return and go back to viewing sprites, so you can find a good spot.
- If you have sprites in the buffer and return to viewing the library, the
- "B...Buffer sprites" command disappears from the display and is replaced by two
- new commands: "I...Insert sprites" and "C...Clear buffer." Press I to insert
- the sprites in the buffer back into the library or C to clear the buffer, if
- you've decided that you made a bad choice.
- Press M (for menu) or the return key to leave the library display and
- return to the main menu.
- Note that two commands, + and -, are not included in this list of
- commands, because there's no room on the screen. Press the + key to move the
- range of 50 displayed sprites upward by one, and press the - key to move the
- range down by one.
- Tips on Adding Sprites
- Here are some tips on using SL 128 to start your own collection of
- sprites:
- You may already have saved some sprites that you designed with the C-128's
- SPRDEF program or with other sprite editors. These can be loaded directly by SL
- 128 by pressing A (for Add) at the main menu. The sprites will be added at the
- end of the sprites currently in memory.
- If you have a program that contains sprites defined by Data statements,
- it's easy to prepare them for use with SL 128:
- 1. Load the program into the C-128, in 128 mode.
- 2. Delete all of the program except the sprite Data statements and the
- line that reads the data and pokes it into memory.
- 3. If necessary, change the Poke addresses to those of the C-128; sprite
- 1 starts at address 3584 ($0E00).
- 4. It's a good idea to save this abbreviated program to disk, just in
- case.
- 5. Run the abbreviated program to poke the data into sprite memory.
- 6. Use SPRDEF to make sure things are are all right and to modify the
- sprites if desired. Sometimes sprites after the first one are recognizable, but
- a little off. This is because a sprite is defined in 63 bytes, leaving one
- unused byte to separate it from the next sprite in memory. Most programmers
- place a dummy value in their Data statements for this extra byte.
- 7. When you're satisfied, save the sprites to disk with the following
- command in Direct mode: BSAVE "FILENAME",B0,P3584 TO P4095. The filename, of
- course, can be any name you care to use. Note that this command saves all eight
- sprites, but if you want to save fewer, don't worry; SL 128 will let you
- specify which ones you want to keep.
- SL 128 can read any sprites saved in the above manner. It can also read
- sprites saved from the different addresses used by the C-64. All that matters
- is that they're saved in program-type files, preceded by a two-byte load
- address. SL 128 will ignore the two load-address bytes and read the rest of the
- file in 64-byte chunks until the end is reached.